
Lets talk about tobacco

I want to share with you some important information about Whole Leaf Tobacco. Yes, whole leaf, straight from the earth. I don’t mean the package of chemicals you can buy at the store. I’m talking about the OG, Natural, Unprocessed, Medicinal PLANT. Of course you can try and google about whole leaf tobacco, but regardless it’s going to tell you that it’s going to kill you, followed by an ad to purchase a pack of cigarettes. We all know how the system works. But your sister Ash here wants to share with you what the internet won’t tell you, So lets begin!

Did you know that tobacco is one of the most sacred, detoxifying and powerful plant spirits on earth?


What makes tobacco a medicine?

The tobacco plant, Nicotiana, like all medicinal plants, was created for healing. The spirit of Tobacco is a powerful force and is very communicative. Intention is everything with this plant. When you smoke to numb yourself or push down your emotions, the effects are going to be toxic and probably even addictive. If you smoke to raise up your prayers, communicate with spirit, and for healing, then that will be the beautiful relationship you build with the plant. The spirit of tobacco will support you on this journey and carry your prayers with him. I refer to tobacco as Grandfather like many traditions do! Tobacco is considered the grandfather of the plant medicines and according to the history, it was the spirit of tobacco who told the indigenous people about the combination of the Ayahuasca vine and the Chacruna leaves. It’s a very powerful plant and often used in earlier stages of the cleansing process as well as later on for gaining more clarity. It’s beautiful to recognize the masculine structure of this plant, the ancient wisdom, and healing protection. The tobacco originally grows nicotine in its roots and a tiny percentage is passed into the leaf. When smoked in small amounts with intention for healing and prayer the spirit of the tobacco is fully present with you in a very healing way. It is also used in many other powerful ways which we will talk about in the paragraphs to come:)


This right here, is not tobacco.

This is a result of the processing of 800 chemicals, and then marketing it and misguidedly advertising the inhaling of smoke. This has resulted in tobacco now being one of the greatest causes of death, resulted from the same society that took away the spirit of tobacco. The part that is dangerous about this ‘tobacco’ is all that is added in the packages that about 90% of smokers are smoking. As well as the fact that majority of tobacco fields aren’t organic and are spraying their plants with chemicals that turn into lead, cadmium, and mixed with chemicals that create even higher levels of nicotine in the body. and yes American Spirit tobacco is just as bad.
It’s so important to take back our sovereign perspective from the media programmed version, as well as stop supporting the companies that are created for death in a straight forward sense of speaking. This beautiful plant was used and abused by those who wanted to profit from its power rather than use that very same quality for healing. So let’s ReWrite the story! Lets return back to the ancient ways of connecting with this sacred plant!


The Ancient ways of honoring

Indigenous people have been using this medicine for life times. In Cherokee culture, tobacco is referred to as “the ancient one.” It is considered the first plant of all the plants. It was grown by their people to be a healing tool used internally and externally. Believe it or not, proper tobacco smokers are some of the longest living people on Earth! Many Tribes use it as an offering to Creator, a place, or a being. A gift of traditional tobacco is a sign of respect and may be offered when asking for help, guidance, or protection. Traditional tobacco is even used directly for healing in traditional medicine. It may be burned in a fire or smoked in a pipe, yet in these ways the smoke is generally not inhaled. Tobacco is a beautiful offering to the sacred fire of prayers! Again, Intention is everything! May we live in union with the ancient ways of honoring these medicines, once again.

LONG live the healing spirit of tobacco,
may we all learn how to respect you once again.