I refer to her in spirit form because she is very much so alive and present with us <3

It is an honor to share this sacred medicine with you.
Here you will learn about what cacao is, The benefits of cacao, and information to help you gain a beautiful relationship with her.


Oh sweet Mama Cacao,

thank you for blessing us with your magic, for opening our hearts, and inviting in more unconditional love into our bodies with every sip of your pouring MAGIC. Thank you.



For starters, this is not Cocoa. There is a major difference! Mama CACAO is the most natural form of chocolate. Raw. Straight from the earth. Cocoa is processed chocolate usually created with milk and sugar. Cocoa is not good for you and has no health benefits. Mama Cacao on the other hand, has many health benefits! Her natural taste is quite bitter. You can literally taste the natural flavors of the earth. Of course you can spice up your cacao and make it taste super yummy while still gaining all of the nutrients.
Enter my Medicine Shop for a full Ingredients blend<3

Cacao is only grown in very specific parts of the world and is grown on a fruit tree! The fruit pods contain seeds which are called coco beans. Cocao needs a high temperature, plenty of water, and air that is always moist which is why they are grown in tropical settings! It is such a beautiful art and it takes lots of work to get it into our hands. A true gift and blessing to receive!


Benefits of drinking cacao

High in antioxidants <> Heart Opener <> Its a superfood <> Energy Increaser <> Elevates your mood <>Invites more love into the body <> Increases Metabolism <> Aids in digestion <> High source of Iron and Magnesium <> great for women to drink while bleeding <>Rich in copper and fiber <> Reduces Inflammation <> Supports brain health <> Natural Antidepressant


Did i mention!?

Cacao goes way beyond just a drink! I love eating the roasted beans as a little snack throughout my day when I need an energy boost!
1 bean is equivalent to 1 espresso bean, without the downfall hehe;)
Cacao is a full spectrum medicine. It will ground you deep into your connection with the earth, while elevate your consciousness into unison with the universe. It is beautiful for meditation, sacred conversations, honoring your emotions, and speaking your truth. 

Hop on this train of C R E A T I V E Energy! 

Where you can Step Out of the Mind,
and into your beautiful Heart.
Welcoming Deeper Awareness and Presence.



It is ethically and sustainably sourced and grown in Guatemala by the indiginious women of San Marcos Village on Lake Atitlan. It is a women's owned business with different linages and ages of the women in the family. The elders, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, spend 8 to 10 hours a day pealing and roasting these beans so that we have the privilege to connect with this ancient medicine. It is hard work and I respect these women so deeply for what they do. It would not be possible without there dedication to this medicine. I have tried many different cacao sources in my life time and nothing has awakened me to an open and loving vibration quit like this medicine does. You can feel the love from this beautiful women with every taste, and you can smell this potent medicine right through the bag. I stand behind and honor these women so fully. It is an honor to support them and work along side them.


Support the indigenous

When you support me, you are supporting these women and their children. I raise money for these families by selling the cacao for them, and spreading the loving message of cacao with all of you.
The chocolate industry is a very corrupt system in a lot of ways and it is up to us to stop supporting big factory companies that are impacting our planet in a negative way. It’s time to bring the focus back to the ancient ways and support the families that are carrying this medicine in a good way. These countries need us. These families need us.
It is up to us to give back when and where we can. 

To learn more about these women, go to


For the last two years,

I have returned back to Guatemala to support these women by helping them get the medicine of cacao out to the people. By doing so, I am able to help raise money to give back to them! The money goes a long way for these mommas. It helps to educate their children, feed their families, and have access to clean water.
May we all come together, as one big global family, and support one another. 

We are the change.
Thank you for being here!